Interview with Ostroga on drag

In this interview, we will talk to drag queen Ostroga, currently residing in Belgrade, although originally from Montenegro.
Ostroga, how did you get into the drag world?
Frankly, I have thrown myself into it. Like everything I do, it was half planned, half what God gave me. I knew about drag from American TV series and movies, and I discovered our scene through a colleague and a friend. They helped me get into the community, and let's just say they helped me swim in these murky drag waters.
What is drag for you?
For me personally, maybe armor or a shield. My drag personality has helped me to overcome some problems like anxiety and, among other things, to get to know myself. To maybe get stronger and, at the same time, reduce my ego. It's also very fun and liberating. The moment you put on that "mask," you look in the mirror and see yourself in a completely new light; it's a genius feeling. I would recommend everyone to try it. It must be with heels! It is perhaps my favorite moment; the higher the heel, the greater the self-confidence. In case you don't know how to walk in heels, check out my Instagram for affordable classes at @o.stroga
Did you run into any problems because of doing drag?
There is never a shortage of problems in my life. Are they necessarily because of drag? I don't know that yet; my luck is that I'm beautiful, so I solve all these problems with charm. Although the only problem drag causes me is the lack of money in my wallet. The good thing is that I live in Serbia, where most people have a similar problem. Now I don't know if that's a problem or normality.
How important is it for the LGBTI+ population to have separate, or better said, safe spaces where they can have fun?
Separated? I don't know, maybe specialized rather than separated. Like, it would be great if there was a place with a smaller functional stage and all the necessary equipment, where drag performances could often be held. Queer phobia certainly already separates us, both people in the community and people outside the community. As for me personally, I would not want any separation, just for us to come together.
Did you have the opportunity to collaborate with some queer spaces, parties, etc.?
I did, and it was always wonderful. One year I did tarot at the well-known festival "DEVETKA." Also, I had collaborations with a couple of our musicians, such as the band STRAY DOGG. There is also my favorite godmother, Bojana Vunturišević, whom I consider a queen.
Are you coming to Pride, and if so, why?
Will I be there again this year is a good question that, due to my business schedule, I still don't know the answer to. Considering the fact that I haven't missed a single Pride in Montenegro for the last six years, and since I live in Belgrade, I've been going to Belgrade Pride regularly; I certainly wouldn't like to skip this year. After all, this is the Pride that will definitely go down in the queer history of the Balkans, so I am asking your readers to collectively pray that I get a day off on September 17 so that I can take a walk. And why am I going? Well, I'm going for myself, for all those who are similar to me and think they are alone. I walk for that child from some village who is called names because of who he is, who he loves... maybe I can't defend that child, but I can give hope. To inspire them to stand up for themselves and be stronger, better, prettier, and preferably smarter. Of course, with style, in high heels.